

The story is a narrative about some event (real or fictitious), expressed as text, thanks to cinematographic techniques or presented in the form of narration. The main feature of the story is a plot that introduces characters and is presented with narrative techniques. For the training purpose stories are used to build tension, raise emotions and provide a positive or negative example.

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Worth to know

  • Invite learners to share their own stories related to the topic at hand. This not only enriches the learning experience but also promotes a sense of community and belonging.

  • While emotional engagement is a strength of storytelling, be mindful of the emotional content to ensure it is appropriate and considerate of learners’ experiences.

  • The story method, or storytelling as an educational approach, leverages narrative techniques to convey information, concepts, and lessons in a memorable and engaging way.

  • Enhance storytelling with visual aids like illustrations, diagrams, or maps to support the narrative and aid comprehension.

  • This method is as old as humanity itself, used by cultures around the world to pass down knowledge, values, and traditions through generations.

  • Stories are more likely to be remembered than abstract information because they engage emotions, making the content more memorable.

  • Storytelling can foster empathy by allowing listeners or readers to experience different perspectives and emotions through the characters and scenarios.

  • Stories from different cultures can provide valuable insights into diverse perspectives and traditions, promoting cultural awareness and understanding.

  • Leverage different mediums such as books, oral storytelling, videos, digital stories, and role-playing games to cater to diverse learning preferences and keep the content engaging.