

The presentation is a way of explaining a phenomenon based on verbal communication enhanced with a visual message (slides, drawings, charts, graphics, photographs). Presentations usually focus on theory, unlike demonstrations. Good presentations usually affect people by creating emotional tension among their audience.

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Worth to know

  • The presentation learning method, where information is delivered to learners through lectures, slideshows, or demonstrations, is a traditional but effective educational technique. It's particularly useful for conveying foundational knowledge or introducing complex concepts.

  • Differentiate between presentation slides and the handouts - those are two different things. The slides are accompanied by the presenter and handouts shall be useful without her or him.

  • Presentations given by subject matter experts can provide learners with in-depth insights and up-to-date information on a specific topic. They are also important experiences especially if the expert is famous.

  • Start with an engaging hook or story to capture attention. Throughout the presentation, ask questions, include interactive elements, or incorporate polls to maintain interest and engagement.

  • Offer handouts, links to additional resources, or a copy of the presentation slides to help learners review the material and explore the topic further on their own.

  • The less is more. Learners will remember only a few things from your presentation. Wisely choose what is important. Emphasize important things to help the audience remember them.