

Mentoring is a form of development based on the relationship between two persons – the less experienced or knowledgeable one (the protégé/protégée) and the more experienced or knowledgeable one (the mentor). In the mentoring process the mentor takes on the role of a guardian who gives advice and provides support whenever asked for by the protégé.

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Worth to know

  • Mentoring requires commitment and effort: Successful mentoring relationships require commitment and effort from both the mentor and the mentee. It is important to establish clear goals, communicate effectively, and be willing to invest time and energy in the relationship. However, the benefits of mentoring can be significant for both parties and for the organization as a whole.

  • Mentoring is not just for new employees: While mentoring is often used as a tool for onboarding new employees, it can also be used for professional development and career advancement at any stage of one's career.

  • Mentoring can take many forms: There are many different types of mentoring, including traditional one-on-one mentoring, group mentoring, reverse mentoring (where the mentee mentors the mentor), virtual mentoring, and more.

  • Mentoring is not the same as coaching: While mentoring and coaching are both used for professional development, they have different approaches and goals. Mentoring is usually a longer-term relationship focused on career and personal development, while coaching is usually a shorter-term relationship focused on specific skill development or performance improvement.

  • Mentoring benefits both the mentor and the mentee: Mentoring is a two-way relationship in which both parties can benefit. Mentees can gain valuable knowledge, skills, and connections, while mentors can gain a sense of satisfaction from helping others, as well as new insights and perspectives.