
Knowledge pill

Knowledge pills are small portions of knowledge related to some specific topic and wrapped in multimedia content. These are usually short, multimedia training forms focusing on one particular issue. Usually they are provided with neither exercise nor testing mechanisms.

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Worth to know

  • Knowledge pills take multiple forms (audio, video, multimedia presentation, article, case study, infographics), so they can be adapted to the kind of knowledge we want to pass on and the type of person who the content is made for.

  • Knowledge pills can be a great way of communicating with a client and providing post-sale support.

  • A knowledge pill should provide an answer to one specific question or a solution to a specific problem, so that the person who seeks knowledge on a particular topic doesn’t waste time looking through a large amount of content.

  • The naming of knowledge pills is crucial, they should have a title that clearly tells you what a person can learn or find out from it, while looking through any subject. This also makes the knowledge pills easier to find in any database.

  • A knowledge pill shouldn’t be longer than 3-5 minutes - this is an amount of time in which we can internalize the knowledge without being put off by the length of the content.